
Showing posts from November, 2021

6 Reasons Why You Should Wash Your Car on a Regular Basis

When was the last time you went to the car wash? Some people make car washing a weekly priority in order to maintain their vehicle appearing clean and beautiful. Others go to the car wash only after they discover the dirt coating has entirely discolored the color of their car. Regardless of which group you belong to, it's essential to understand why cleaning your car on a regular basis is a smart idea. Six of the most tremendous benefits are outlined below and should be considered. 1. Improved fuel economy Wind resistance is reduced when a vehicle is clean. Improved fuel economy is achieved by lowering wind resistance. While some have suggested that driving a dirty car improves aerodynamics in the past, MythBusters proved them wrong in an episode of the renowned TV show. As the air particles stick to the dirt, the drag increases. According to MythBusters, a dirty car may degrade fuel economy by 10%. 2. Damage Prevention As you drive, mud, dirt, rain, and even salt sprink

Few Filipino Traits that are "Toxic"

The Philippines is a large archipelago with over 7,000 islands. This Southeast Asian country is famed for its stunning beaches and tropical fruits. Filipinos are considered for being joyful, affable, and hospitable people in general; but, along with their cheerful and welcoming characteristics, they also have bothersome and undesirable behaviors that may give the Philippines a negative reputation. Punctuality -  Filipinos are commonly recognized to be minutes or hours behind schedule or standard time🕓. When it comes to the mañana habit , Filipinos commonly follow their own unique brand of time, which frustrates time-conscious foreigners because Filipinos rarely heed schedule. It's a terrible habit that must be addressed since it stifles productivity and advancement. This also demonstrates a lack of regard for other people's time, which paints Filipinos in a negative light. Crab Mentality - When Filipinos are insecure, I've noticed many of them develop a crab mentality. Th