Few Filipino Traits that are "Toxic"

The Philippines is a large archipelago with over 7,000 islands. This Southeast Asian country is famed for its stunning beaches and tropical fruits. Filipinos are considered for being joyful, affable, and hospitable people in general; but, along with their cheerful and welcoming characteristics, they also have bothersome and undesirable behaviors that may give the Philippines a negative reputation.

  1. Punctuality - Filipinos are commonly recognized to be minutes or hours behind schedule or standard time🕓. When it comes to the mañana habit, Filipinos commonly follow their own unique brand of time, which frustrates time-conscious foreigners because Filipinos rarely heed schedule. It's a terrible habit that must be addressed since it stifles productivity and advancement. This also demonstrates a lack of regard for other people's time, which paints Filipinos in a negative light.

  2. Crab Mentality - When Filipinos are insecure, I've noticed many of them develop a crab mentality. They spend a lot of time gossiping, backbiting, and character assassination of others, and they often refer to the affair as "Cheeka" or "Chismis." They also have a tendency to deceive their friends for something they believe they can acquire from them. This is obviously toxic conduct that no foreigner would welcome, and it only serves to highlight how untrustworthy Filipinos can be when it comes to sharing personal or professional information. It's their technique of diverting attention away from their own inadequacy by concentrating on the flaws of others. 

  3. Lack of Self-Discipline - One segment of their "Cheeka" or "Chismis" mentions how others violate moral norms or laws of the land; conversely, they also violate the same laws themselves, which do not appear immoral to them. Most Filipinos have a habit of disobeying regulations in order to prioritize what they want, and they are particularly resistant to rules they perceive to be discriminatory, resulting in an attitude of "self-righteous disobedience."

  4. Put-off/Defer/Procrastination Attitude - I observed a Mañana habit of deferring tasks that can be completed today to tomorrow. Their activities are postponed until a later date, which results in less progress and accomplishment. This may also be ascribed to the Filipino form of fatalism, which is the belief in Divine providence or leaving everything in the hands of fate. It is a Filipino's approach of avoiding rationalization or legitimate cause; while this characteristic can sometimes be effective in times of adversity, the concept of "what goes around, comes around" can also impede them from coming up with solutions out of challenging situations. I also see a preference for saying "bukas na lang" or "sa susunod na lang" out of laziness. This stems from a delusional belief that an issue will just go away on its own.

  5. Gender Baiseness - It has been observed that women prefer to enjoy receiving efforts than giving them. Women frequently feel that males must accomplish everything and that women will simply reap the fruits of men's efforts. As a result, you'll occasionally witness ladies not putting in much effort for their significant others. Even if men's discourse is factually correct, men tend to suffer the brunt of ridicule and criticism. It has also been remarked that you can never win a discussion with a Filipina. As I write this, I'm chuckling a little because no matter how much you love your Filipina (and she loves you), you'll inevitably argue about something. Stupid stuff. Things you never imagined you'd argue on. And, in my opinion, this is one of the primary drawbacks of dating a Filipina.

The Philippines, like many other nations, has its shortcomings and positive aspects, but that does not make it a bad place to visit. This post is just for the purpose of sharing knowledge and personal experiences about the Philippines. Soon, I'll talk about topics affecting other countries and their citizens. Keep an eye out! :)


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