
Showing posts with the label Bhojpuri

Things You Understood Totally Wrong About Biharis

Ours is a big country. And we have got a lot of people here. 17.5% of all humans on the planet live here. It’s no joke. There are dozens of languages, hundreds of dialects, and countless sane-insane customs woven around some common string of cultural values, religious beliefs, and history. Differences are bound to be there. But, some generalizations are so much in bad taste that they need to be dissected well and at regular intervals. The fact is that Biharis are among the most misunderstood people in India. This post is a humble attempt to cut apart some lame generalizations about the people who come from Bihar, once the most prosperous and culturally-philosophically-spiritually rich area in the Indian sub-continent. Ironically, even those who never met a single Bihari assume them to be lawbreakers, narrow-minded, and ill-mannered people. They are decreed to be the Jacks-of-all-ills prevailing in North India, the ripples of which they wrongly believe and tirelessly retell others on...