Blurred Lines Between 'Brand' And 'Communications' Create Opportunity

The world has opened its doors and has become wide open to new ways and methodologies. As much as our scientists are exploring the ways to define “time” or the “4th dimension” to communicate with the outer world; our corporate MBA managers are parallelly well redefining the marketing ways of communication and branding at the same time. We have discovered ways of communication that were non-viable a few years ago like I am traveling to the countryside and still able to write this paper, which was not so arranged and viable a decade ago. With time passing by, everything has become fluid, so are the roles at a corporate. To compete at the global level, companies are taking steps to become more flexible. This flexibility is to ensure the brand and the communication walk hand in hand to and from the boundaries. Data is the new oil, which has encouraged more data-informed multichannel, employing paid, earned, social owned (PESO) approach. The sequel of the integrated marketing communicati...