
Showing posts with the label emerging technologies

ERA of Artificial Intelligence

I n today’s business world, the customer’s behavior towards a brand is regarded the most in the market. Your behavior towards a product or a company gives “business” to a business. It is often said that a happy customer experience makes a customer stay loyal to a brand and the more pleasing it is, the more are the chances to retain a customer as well as contribute largely to growth. In modernity, the introduction of Artificial Intelligence has upgraded customer experience through swift and efficient calculation and resolution. Accelerated growth in technology has been a powerful tool to provide ease on a daily basis. From recognizing voice & speech to understanding human emotions and the ability to predict the likeness has largely helped to upgrade customer experience. This is also leveraging the company to deliver personalized recommendations. Did you know?  By 2025, AI is expected to control 95% of customer interaction. 😲😲 This number brings happiness as well as concern, all at


China backstabbing India at the UN! China responsible for Covid-19..! China nibbling North-East frontier! BOYCOTT CHINA! S ocial media is literally painted red with avid pro-India chanting. But remember one thing- Promises made in adversity are forgotten in prosperity . Even otherwise, boycotting China is easier said than done. India is the 17th largest export economy in the world but stands 45th rung apropos complexity according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). Indian import from China amounts to $ 70.39 billion while our export is only $16.5 billion . A cursory glance would explain the reason for this huge trade deficit and also expose the MISNOMER OF BOYCOTTING CHINESE GOODS AND SERVICES BY INDIANS . India exports cotton yarn, iron ores, copper alloys, granite, basalt, sandstone, nuts, tanned leather, etc. whereas our imports from China include telephone sets, cellular networks, transmission/reception of voice/images/data in a wired/wireless network account nearly