Common Red Flags that could tell if your partner is cheating on you

In movies and television shows, catching someone cheating is a common theme. It's generally an intense and revelatory moment — as when a character returns home and discovers their partner is having an affair — and there's usually no disputing what's going on.

In real life, though, we don't always get the Bollywood melodrama. Infidelity usually manifests itself in one of those little chunks or as a simple blunder. So, how can you detect indicators that someone may be having an emotional or physical affair?

Because everyone's idea of cheating is different, leaping to conclusions if you encounter any of these indicators is a fallacy. If, on the other hand, you regularly observe a lot of red flags, it's critical that you talk to your partner and clarify the picture once and for all.

Read till the end to know which of these matches your red flags.

They're Euphoric, and you're not benefiting from it.

Is it more probable that your companion is overjoyed and satisfied without reasoning? They are typically cheerful around others, making compromises for them and even responding to them with more than one-liners but not you. You'd think that seeing your partner happy would be tremendously satisfying, but if they're happy yet distant, or if you're not getting to share in their joy, you might want to explore the source of their happiness - and it might not be you.

Compromise for you - is not an option for them

Every partnership necessitates compromise, but if your partner begins to insist on having their way, it's a sign they are dissatisfied and seeking a new relationship. According to relationship experts, cheaters may be prone to picking arguments or failing to consider your feelings. They may also blame you and refuse to take responsibility for their actions, as well as back out of any commitments or offers of assistance made. It might be an indication that your partner is cheating if you see them getting more obstinate or not listening to you.

This could not core care of infidelity, but it is a definite sign that your partner doesn't VALUE you.

Suddenly, their phone becomes "off-limits."

It's best to keep a close eye on their actions when their phones are off-limits on a regular basis. You won't be able to communicate with them unless they agree to participate. And then they won't let you browse their social media, turn off their last seen, don't reply to your messages even after seeing, and are more concerned with why you're asking for it rather than addressing your issues, despite the fact that you previously fostered addressing any such concerns and your relationship was more transparent than it is now.

It's reasonable to assume that your phone and computer are personal items. However, if you are in a relationship, it is inevitable that they will use your device and vice versa at some point; however, if they begin to guard their devices in a territorial manner, you might have a reason to be suspicious.

If the devices and means of communication are being shielded, then you are up for a quest to find what are they hiding.

They keep you hidden from their friends and family

Usually, when the relationship is serious, your partner would never fail to introduce you as their love in front of the rest of the world. In the case of a woman, they are proud of her relationship, they want to tell all of her friends about it. However, if she hides your connection from her friends, it might indicate that she appreciates the intimacy but is hesitant to have an open boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with you. This might also be a sign that she's seeing someone else and is afraid of ruining her chances by revealing you to her pals.

If a man truly loves you, he will introduce you to the world and tell everyone about it. If you see any evidence that he isn't, it's a strong indication that he is hiding you from someone or something, or that he isn't proud of you. Of course, he may also not want to kill his chances of seeing someone else by introducing you to the world. 

This is a RED FLAG that you always wanna notice. 

Unexpected or Unexplained trips

Traveling should never be a concern for you or your partner. but if your partner all of sudden is taking all solo trips without inviting you and is not connecting over calls during the trip, this might mean two things:
  • They want to enjoy the solo trip
  • They are with someone they don't want you to know about
To reach conclusion on this point, one should consider various other factors such as if your partner is showing the places he/she is visiting or updating how what a time he/she is having or expressing how much he/she is missing you on the trip, etc. 

At the same time, if your partner suddenly becomes accepting of you going out more, working late, and taking vacations without any sign that they would miss you while you're gone — and this is a radically different attitude — they may be cheating on you with their spare time.

If you find yourself waiting for your partner when you make plans, only to be upset when they cancel, you should talk to them about it. It's not just about romance when you keep your plans with your partner; it's also about respect.

Blaming you for everything

Well! This is a minor element to consider, but it should not be overlooked. They frequently blame you for everything and do not take the onus of their side of the bargain. They frequently ignore your boundaries, timings, or other concerning variables, and blame you for everything.

If you actually confront the individual about what they did wrong and watch them make it about you, you're dealing with a manipulator who no longer values you or your point of view. Further, they could be gossiping about you to others and gaining fallacy sympathies.

Given the foregoing, you may consider investigating what could be the basis of such behavior, or what is driving it further.


If you see the following:
  • Their statements do not reflect their conduct.
  • They divert attention away from their conduct by projecting it onto you
  • They pass on degrading comments followed by positive reinforcement
  • They try to stifle your progress or are unsupportive of it.
  • Even when there is proof, they lie and deny it.
  • You're being told you're "wrong," "crazy," and "imagining things."
This is a strong indication that it is time that you need to take a call to confront or do your own solid research to find what this means.

While your significant other should be the one you trust the most, if they break that trust, it's necessary that you find out as quickly as possible.


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