
Showing posts with the label tips for parents


M o s t of the times ‘growing up of a child’ is a challenge to parents who are not actually prepared to handle this. Parenting a teenager in this global and technologically advance culture becomes a difficult task for parents, and they may not feel well equipped for facing this situation. They may feel insecure, frustrated, or may experience helplessness over the  behaviour  and the appearance of the child; who is actually no more a child but an adolescent! Actually, the foundation of dealing with this is laid down in the early childhood itself. Thus parents need to start early relationship with the child immediately after birth. Then only they will be able to enjoy the ‘growing up’ of their child as well and they will be able to guide their teenager in this difficult and important phase of life.   Let us review a few important steps to handle this phase with ease... Give time for proper & conscious communication Mostly parent...