
How do I know if my child is ready for school?

Starting school is a huge milestone for you and your child and the child’s success or failure in adapting to primary school is crucial. But do we really know if the child is even ‘ready’ for this transition? What is ‘School Readiness’? Source: Total Communication School readiness is the measure of the skills and behaviours the child has developed that enables them to participate and succeed in school. School readiness does not only refer to academic ( literacy and numeracy skills ) but the overall developmental skills of your child-their social, emotional, play, physical-motor, communication and cognitive skills. Research shows that disregarding these key developmental skills may cause the child to struggle with academics , develop defiant behaviours, experience difficulty managing daily routines, difficulty taking care of their things and not being able to make friends. In fact, the children who start school when they are ‘ready’ have been more successful with school transition. H


Teaching is one of the oldest and most revered professions, yet it is also one of the most underrated and underpaid (in some circles).   Many of the qualities required to be a good teacher are similar to those required to establish a business in today's world, so it's no surprise that good teachers frequently become successful entrepreneurs. Just take a look at Jack Ma and Jim Collins. 90 Plus Tuition App believes that entrepreneurship should be accessible to everyone so that they may solve their own problems and create their own possibilities. 90 Plus Tuition App identified a potential to help Ed-tech employees become entrepreneurs and operate profitable and long-term enterprises. Today, 90 Plus has evolved into an organization that encourages a culture of entrepreneurship, creativity, and new thinking in addition to enabling Ed-tech to thrive. Check their Website:  90+ My Tuition App | eLearning class for CBSE and State Syllabus Click on the link to fill out your details to k

5 Important Questions on "Depression"

The first main question is; What is Depression? Psychological problems, such as depression, are classified as a mood disorder. It's characterized as grief, loss, or rage that interferes with a person's everyday routines. Depression is a serious mental condition, and the sufferer cannot just decide to discontinue feeling depressed. Depression, unlike ordinary grief or concern, is all-consuming and leaves a person feeling hopeless. Is depression the same as grief? Though depression and grieving share some features, depression is a distinct type of grief experienced after the loss of a loved one or sadness experienced after a tragic life event from which one cannot recover despite repeated attempts. It commonly entails self-loathing or a loss of self-esteem, whereas grief does not. What is the fallacious argument on Depression? Many individuals have the misconception that depression is a choice and that the sufferer must maintain a cheerful attitude. Friends and family members fre

Common Red Flags that could tell if your partner is cheating on you

In movies and television shows, catching someone cheating is a common theme. It's generally an intense and revelatory moment — as when a character returns home and discovers their partner is having an affair — and there's usually no disputing what's going on. In real life, though, we don't always get the Bollywood melodrama. Infidelity usually manifests itself in one of those little chunks or as a simple blunder. So, how can you detect indicators that someone may be having an emotional or physical affair? Because everyone's idea of cheating is different, leaping to conclusions if you encounter any of these indicators is a fallacy. If, on the other hand, you regularly observe a lot of red flags, it's critical that you talk to your partner and clarify the picture once and for all. Read till the end to know which of these matches your red flags. They're Euphoric, and you're not benefiting from it. Is it more probable that your companion is overjoyed and sat

For a winning "SPORTS MARKETING CAMPAIGN", Think of Players as People First

    OCT 2021 For a Winning Sports Marketing Campaign Think of Players as People First           Sports Marketing   The sports industry stands as one of the most profitable industries. This industry is one glue that unites people of the region/country with a specific sports interest such as cricket, wrestling, hockey, basketball, rugby, etc. In any sporting event, people are always willing to spend money to watch their favorite team or individual. With the interest in the game, people are interested in products associated with the sport too. Sports Marketing is about promoting products through sports. Marketers understand what the audience wants from their favorite athletes, and in the century of technological advancement, it has become easier to access the favorite athletes and stars. The depe